Gardens create a great first impression

By thepropertypeoplecampbelltown

When preparing your property for sale, it’s easy to focus on the obvious: declutter, tidy and clean, repaint, style and de-personalise. But often we forget to take note of one of the first things potential buyers see when they inspect a property – the garden.

Even the most attractive house sitting on bare land or amongst shabby lawns and unsightly weeds can make it difficult for some buyers to see themselves living there.

A nice garden will soften the hard lines of your home, and can enhance aspects you want featured. Plus, gardens are a cost-effective way of improving the appeal of your home.

First impressions really do count, and a well-kept garden gives an immediate impression to buyers that the owner takes care of their property – and buyers will want to see more!

A little bit of planning and work throughout your garden will not only add to your property’s value and its saleability, but will provide an appealing outdoor lifestyle that potential buyers can imagine themselves relaxing in.

Landscaping does not have to be expensive or expansive. It can be kept very simple, neat and tidy with a smartly trimmed lawn, a few carefully chosen plants in a garden bed, and some cheerful pots of colour in the entryway.

Things like stunning water features certainly adds ‘wow’ factor, but most people are not looking for this, and are happy with simple gardens that give them privacy, shelter, and the ability to personalise to reflect their own tastes. Most buyers want a garden that is easy to maintain and looks great all year around.

You can either work directly with a landscape architect, or draw a simple plan and take a couple of photos to your local garden centre.

Garden centre staff are often very well trained to provide advice on your garden needs, helping to eliminate the ‘trial and error’. If you are looking to sell your property soon, ask them to recommend plants that will establish easily and quickly.

Once your property is on the market, you will want your garden looking its best the whole time, so choose easy-care plants requiring minimal upkeep.

Also, consider the season. A stunning looking summer garden may look bare in winter, so decide how you want your property to look if you are looking to put it on the market in a few months’ time.

TIP: Take a drive around your neighbourhood and get ideas from gardens that appeal. This way, you can see plants that do well in your area, that you can then purchase and implement into your own garden.

For more information on getting your home ready for sale, and things you can do to increase the value and appeal of your home, speak to one of our sales professionals on 4628 7444.