Why hold open homes when selling?

By thepropertypeoplecampbelltown

Open homes are an important part of the sale process. It is where buyers get to see your home up-close, and from which they make their own comparisons and judgements between your property and others on the market.

Having your property “open home ready” is even more important in the current market, as there are quite a few properties for sale, and buyers are being very selective – they are hunting around to get the best value for their money.

So, how can you best prepare for an open home? Your sales consultant will do all the marketing necessary to attract the maximum number of visitors to your open home. However, when you have them there, you will want to ensure you present your home in the best possible light.


  1. Declutter – an overcrowded room looks unappealing and smaller than it actually is.
  2. Clean. No one likes the idea of living with another person’s dirt. If your home is clean and smells inviting, you are creating a great environment for viewers.
  3. Keep decor simple and put away family photographs. You want buyers to visualise their own things in the home, not being distracted by yours.
  4. Make each room count. Give each one a purpose so that your buyers can see how they could use it. Don’t leave any room as a storage place for your possessions.
  5. First impressions count. Think about the first aspects that potential buyers will see – like fencing, the letterbox and the driveway.
  6. Remember the small things count. Check light switches to make sure they work. Fix any doors or cupboards that don’t close. Fix leaky taps.
  7. If you can, give your walls a fresh coat of paint. Choose neutral colours so as to not individualise your property.
  8. At the open house, fresh flowers and soft music playing in the background gives a good impression.
  9. If cold outside, have a fire going or heaters on.
  10. Freshly brewed coffee or an aromatherapy oil burner can provide very inviting and positive smells when buyers are inspecting your home.


  • You have time to prepare and ensure your property is tidy and ready for inspections.
  • You can control the viewing times.
  • Open homes can create plenty of activity, even in a slow market.
  • Interest and activity can trigger urgency with buyers.
  • At the open homes your sales consultant’s time is put to best and most effective use. They will have the opportunity to talk to numerous people about your property
  • Comments from open home visitors can provide feedback on price, presentation, sales appeal, etc.

For more information on effectively selling your home, contact the professionals at Harcourts The Property People on 4628 7444.